Saturday, January 1, 2011

EverAfter Show @ The Eagle's Nest

The Marquee

What do you do the night after New Year's Eve?  Obviously, go to a country bar with your parents, that's what!  I drove my mom, Rondi, to Eagles' Nest "Rockin' Country Bar" in Chesapeake, VA this evening, where her husband, Nick Hartert, was already finished setting up lights for the evening's entertainment, EverAfter.  Basically, they did not fail to entertain.
Steve Stephens, Tim Ward, Stacy Stephens

EverAfter is a local, three-piece, rock and country band made up of married guitarist and bassist Steve and Stacy Stephens (three times fast, anyone?) and drummer Tim Ward (or, as he was introduced tonight, Tim "Oh G** my Head is Killing Me" Ward, among other monikers).  Did I mention that this show was the night after New Year's Eve? Following that introduction, someone from the audience hollered back, "Nice choice of profession!"

Master and Padawan
I've known Steve ever since I started taking bass lessons from him at Quality Music on Battlefield Blvd. back in '07.  When I visited home for Christmas last year, I saw him and Stacy play at an open-mic at Redbones, and he even backed me up on guitar while I jammed some of my solo ukulele stuff, but I had never heard his full band, EverAfter, until tonight.

Believe it or not, my first dance with my mom!
 EverAfter was high energy from the start.  Early on they called out for requests, and when the reply came back for a country song, they agreed on the condition that the two cowboys up front got up and line danced, which they did!  They also made sure to play a slow one, so I grabbed my mom and got out on the dance floor, which we determined was our first dance.  I didn't keep track of the whole set, but it included songs by ZZ Top, Styx, Golden Earring, and Otis Redding.  Check out my videos of them performing "Black Horse and the Cherry Tree" and "Your Love" below.  Also, check out this sweet drum head!

Sweetest Drum Head Around!

"Black Horse and the Cherry Tree"

"Your Love"

To find out when EverAfter is playing next, as well as to hear some recordings, visit their myspace account.  
Also, to make sure that you don't miss out future awesomeness, be sure to follow my blog and subscribe to my youtube account!

 EverAfter -

Lighting provided by Nick Hartert -

The Eagle's Nest -